Jad Hamdan



I'm a second-year PhD student under Jon Keating at Oxford. I'm mainly interested in random matrix theory, analytic number theory and their interactions.

Probabilistic number theory

The Fyodorov-Hiary-Keating Conjecture on Mesoscopic Intervals, with Louis-Pierre Arguin.

Random matrix theory and free probability

Graph Expansions of Deep Neural Networks and their Universal Scaling Limits, with Nicola Muca Cirone and Cristopher Salvi.

A Fixed-Point Approach to Non-Commutative Central Limit Theorems

(Undergraduate work)

Universal Height and Width Bounds for Random Trees, with Louigi Addario-Berry, Anna Brandenberger and Celine Kerriou.
Electronic Journal of Probability 27, 1-24.

The Lattice of Arithmetic Progressions, with Marcel Goh and Jonah Saks.
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 84, 357-374.

A Proletarian Approach to Generating Eigenvalues of GUE Matrices, with Luc Devroye.

Estimating Monotone Densities by Cellular Binary Trees, with Luc Devroye.

Collaborators: Louigi Addario-Berry, Louis-Pierre Arguin, Anna Brandenberger, Nicola Muca Çirone, Luc Devoyre, Marcel Goh, Céline Kerriou, Jonah Saks, Cristopher Salvi.